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22 Results

  • Contains 3 Product(s)

    BSCAI's Certified Building Service Executive (CBSE) designation, you'll become part of an elite group of building service professionals, worldwide ---and the rewards to your company will be plentiful. BSCAI's CBSE designation is the most prestigious symbol of excellence in the building service contracting industry. It's best to use a desktop or laptop computer when taking these exams (not mobile device), be hard-lined in on your desktop/laptop device (no wifi) and be sure to hit save if you need to exit for any reason. Additionally, if you lose connection your answers will not save so be sure to ‘save & continue’ routinely.

    Four simple steps towards receiving your CBSE Designation:

    Step 1     
    Register for the CBSE examination. Online applications now include access to Volumes 1-7 and the Guide to Green Cleaning in e-book format. You have 365 days from the date you apply to access the e-book study materials and the online examination. If you do not complete the exam within the time limit, it will count as an automatic fail.

    Step 2     
    To obtain the remaining books for the CBSE kit and if you would like hard copies of Volumes 1-7 and the Guide to Green Cleaning, order your materials online in the BSCAI Marketplace.

    Step 3     
    Log on when you are ready to take the examination. New features for online certification include:

    • Examinees will have 14 days to complete all 4 sections of the CBSE exam.
      • Once you begin one of the four sections of your exam, the 14 day timer begins.
      • Individual sections are still timed the same as paper testing.
      • Examinees do not need to take the sections in order and can choose to take one section after the other or space them out within the 14 days.
    • Examinees do not need to have a proctor present.
    • Results are generated automatically after each section is completed and an e-mail confirmation is sent with total results when the exam is completed.
    • The exams are completely True/False and Multiple Choice.

    Step 4   
    Online testing results will be received instantly. Candidates must achieve a minimum passing score of 70% on each of the four sections on the exam. A candidate can retake any section that he/she does not pass again within one year. You can apply to retake the exam by logging into your profile and adding the reexamination to your cart. Re-examination is a $100 fee to BSCAI headquarters.

    FAQ's for the CBSE Exam:

    • 2/3 of examinees pass all sections during the first examination
    • Practice exams are only available for first edition Volumes 1-7 and intended only to ensure you covered the material in the book but not intended to replicate the look and feel of the actual exam questions.
    • There are four sections with the following topics:
      • Part 1: Legal, Insurance & Taxes, Business Structure, General Management 
      • Part 2: Bidding & Estimating Case Study
      • Part 3: Training & Supervision, Accounting & Finance, Marketing, Contracts & Bidding
      • Part 4: Technical, Green Cleaning

    Now Available: Save more by purchasing multiple exams. Exams must be purchased during the same transaction to be eligible.

    • Register 5-9 applicants at one time and receive 10% off
    • Register 10-19 applicants at one time and receive 15% off
    • Register 20+ applicants at one time and receive 20% off

    Discounts will automatically be applied as exams are added to your cart. For these discounts to be automatically applied, you will need to know who you are registering for the exams. If you want to purchase multiple exams but do not know every exam taker, please reach out to 

    It's best to use a desktop or laptop computer when taking these exams (not mobile device), be hard-lined in on your desktop/laptop device (no wifi) and be sure to hit save if you need to exit for any reason. Additionally, if you lose connection your answers will not save so be sure to ‘save & continue’ routinely

  • Contains 7 Product(s)

    Learn from several thought leaders within the industry like Mickey Crowe RBSM CBSE; Claudia St. John; Christine Schad RBSM; Sharon Cowan CBSE; Tom Heveron CBSE and Mike Reschke CBSE. The RBSM Certificate will touch on the following topics: Account Management. Hiring & Firing. Motivation & Training Personnel Policies Safety & Security Floor Care Carpet Care and Cleaning Chemicals And much more!

    Learn from several thought leaders within the industry like Mickey Crowe RBSM CBSE; Claudia St. John; Christine Schad RBSM; Sharon Cowan CBSE; Tom Heveron CBSE and Mike Reschke CBSE. The RBSM Certificate will touch on the following topics:

    • Account Management. 
    • Hiring & Firing.
    • Motivation & Training 
    • Personnel Policies
    • Safety & Security
    • Floor Care Carpet Care and Cleaning Chemicals
    • And much more!
  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    RBSM Virtual Workshop Volume 7 - General Office

    RBSM Virtual Workshop Volume 7 - General Office

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    Floor Care, Carpet Care, and Cleaning Chemicals will be led by Tom Heveron, CBSE. Tom is a second generation BSC that has been in the industry for 38 years that was taught his skills with hands on experience at every level. Tom has worked in all environments throughout his career, Multi Tenant, Factories, Colleges, Hospitals, Government Buildings, Window Cleaning, Floor/Carpet Cleaning and everything in between. Tom has managed millions of Square feet with thousands of employees. For the Past 14 years he has been the CEO of Beachland Cleaning Service in Vero Beach Florida. Tom is also known nationally for his Philanthropic contributions. Beachland Cleaning Service has been a Cleaning for a Reason Foundation Partner for 6 years helping women who are being treated for cancer. Since 2007 Beachland Cleaning Service has provided more then $100,000 in Free home cleanings, Grants, Celebrity Endorsement and fund raisers to the Cleaning for a Reason Foundation. In 2009 Tom was awarded the Cleaning for a Reason National Participating Partner of the Year.

    Floor Care, Carpet Care, and Cleaning Chemicals will be led by Tom Heveron, CBSE. Tom is a second generation BSC that has been in the industry for 38 years that was taught his skills with hands on experience at every level. Tom has worked in all environments throughout his career, Multi Tenant, Factories, Colleges, Hospitals, Government Buildings, Window Cleaning, Floor/Carpet Cleaning and everything in between. Tom has managed millions of Square feet with thousands of employees. For the Past 14 years he has been the CEO of Beachland Cleaning Service in Vero Beach Florida. Tom is also known nationally for his Philanthropic contributions. Beachland Cleaning Service has been a Cleaning for a Reason Foundation Partner for 6 years helping women who are being treated for cancer. Since 2007 Beachland Cleaning Service has provided more then $100,000 in Free home cleanings, Grants, Celebrity Endorsement and fund raisers to the Cleaning for a Reason Foundation. In 2009 Tom was awarded the Cleaning for a Reason National Participating Partner of the Year.

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    Christine Schad, RBSM, is the Founder and President of Advanced Maintenance Solutions, LLC, which services commercial businesses throughout Northeast Wisconsin. Christine’s background in the JanSan Industry goes back 30 years, when she began working part time cleaning offices at a local insurance company to supplement family income. Christine is an enthusiastic and energetic spokesperson for the BSC industry; she credits an unwavering commitment to service, ongoing education and continuous improvement for her company’s growth and success to date.

    RBSM Virtual Workshop Volume 5 - Safety & Security will be led by Christine Schad, RBSM. 

    Christine Schad, RBSM, is the Founder and President of Advanced Maintenance Solutions, LLC, which services commercial businesses throughout Northeast Wisconsin. Christine’s background in the JanSan Industry goes back 30 years, when she began working part time cleaning offices at a local insurance company to supplement family income. Christine is an enthusiastic and energetic spokesperson for the BSC industry; she credits an unwavering commitment to service, ongoing education and continuous improvement for her company’s growth and success to date.

  • Contains 3 Product(s)

    The Registered Building Supply Professional (RBSP) designation stands for a basic understanding of the BSC business, needs, pressures and goals. The RBSP is a seal of approval that a brand sales representative can earn to show customers that they have studied and achieved a level of understanding of issues impacting their customer. By earning your RBSP, you will gain certified employees who can demonstrate BSC knowledge and see that return in your business goals.

    Four simple steps towards receiving your RBSP designation:

    Step 1      Register for the RBSP examination. Online applications now include access to Volumes 1-7 and the Guide to Green Cleaning in e-book format. You have 365 days from the date you apply to access the e-book study materials and the online examination. If you do not complete the exam within the time limit, it will count as an automatic fail.  

    Step 2      If you would also like hard copies of the study materials, you may order your materials online in the BSCAI Marketplace.  

    Step 3      Log on when you are ready to take the examination. New features for online certification include:

    • Examinees will have 14 days to complete all 4 sections of the RBSP exam.
    • Once you begin one of the four sections of your exam, the 14 day timer begins.
      • Individual sections are still timed the same as paper testing.
      • Examinees do not need to take the sections in order and can choose to take one section after the other or space them out within the 14 days.
    • Examinees do not need to have a proctor present.
    • Results are generated automatically after each section is completed and an e-mail confirmation is sent with total results when the exam is completed.
    • The exams are completely True/False and Multiple Choice.

    Step 4 Online testing results will be received instantly. Candidates must achieve a minimum passing score of 70% on each of the four sections on the exam. A candidate can retake any section that he/she does not pass again within one year. You can apply to retake the exam by logging into your profile and adding the reexamination to your cart. Re-examination is a $100 fee to BSCAI headquarters.  

    FAQ's for the RBSP Exam:

    • 2/3 of examinees pass all sections during the first examination
    • Practice exams are only available in first edition study materials and are intended only to ensure you covered the material in the book but not intended to replicate the look and feel of the actual exam questions.

    Now Available: Save more by purchasing multiple exams. Exams must be purchased during the same transaction to be eligible.

    • Register 5-9 applicants at one time and receive 10% off
    • Register 10-19 applicants at one time and receive 15% off
    • Register 20+ applicants at one time and receive 20% off

    Discounts will automatically be applied as exams are added to your cart. For these discounts to be automatically applied, you will need to know who you are registering for the exams. If you want to purchase multiple exams but do not know every exam taker, please reach out to 

  • Contains 3 Product(s)

    BSCAI's Registered Building Service Manager (RBSM) designation is the most prestigious symbol of excellence for building service contracting management. By earning the RBSM designation, you'll become part of an elite group of building service professionals, worldwide - and the accolades you will receive towards your business goals will be tremendous.

    Four simple steps towards receiving your RBSM designation:

    Step 1
    Register for the RBSM examination. Online applications now include access to Volumes 1-7 and the Guide to Green Cleaning in e-book format. You have 365 days from the date you apply to access the e-book study materials and the online examination. If you do not complete the exam within the time limit, it will count as an automatic fail.

    Step 2
    If you would also like hard copies of the study materials, you may order your materials online in the BSCAI Marketplace.

    Step 3
    Access the Training Center when you are ready to take the examination:

    • Examinees will have 14 days to complete all 4 sections of the RBSM exam.
      • Once you begin one of the four sections of your exam, the 14 day timer begins.
      • Individual sections are still timed the same as paper testing.
      • Examinees do not need to take the sections in order and can choose to take one section after the other or space them out within the 14 days.
    • Examinees do not need to have a proctor present.
    • Results are generated automatically after each section is completed and an e-mail confirmation is sent with total results when the exam is completed.
    • The exams are completely True/False and Multiple Choice.

    Step 4
    Online testing results will be received instantly. Candidates must achieve a minimum passing score of 70% on each of the four sections on the exam. A candidate can retake any section that he/she does not pass again within one year. You can apply to retake the exam by logging into your profile and adding the reexamination to your cart. Re-examination is a $100 fee to BSCAI headquarters.

    FAQ's for the RBSM Exam:

    • 2/3 of examinees pass all sections during the first examination
    • Practice exams are only available in first edition study materials and are intended only to ensure you covered the material in the book but not intended to replicate the look and feel of the actual exam questions.
    • There are four sections with the following topics:
      • Part 1: Hard Floors, Metal Surfaces, Carpets, Fabric Cleaning
      • Part 2: Chemicals & Chemistry, Restroom Cleaning, General Technology, Safety, Green Cleaning
      • Part 3: Security, Insurance & Legal, Unions, Quality Control, Communications, Customer Relations, Basic Math
      • Part 4: Personnel Management, General Management 

    Now Available: Save more by purchasing multiple exams. Exams must be purchased during the same transaction to be eligible.

    • Register 5-9 applicants at one time and receive 10% off
    • Register 10-19 applicants at one time and receive 15% off
    • Register 20+ applicants at one time and receive 20% off

    Discounts will automatically be applied as exams are added to your cart. For these discounts to be automatically applied, you will need to know who you are registering for the exams. If you want to purchase multiple exams but do not know every exam taker, please reach out to 

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    Sharon Cowan, CBSE is the former President and CEO of a multimillion dollar regional commercial and residential cleaning company. Sharon grew her company to million dollar levels and over 100 employees using her background in business development, strategic planning, national corporate leadership and education. She has long been an advocate of BSCAI as her go to resource for education when new to the business. She has been a guest speaker and seminar leader for BSCAI and ARCSI and twice won marketing awards from the BSCAI. In addition to one on one coaching internationally, Sharon conducts live workshops throughout the United States teaching cleaning business owners how to maximize profits and grow their businesses.

    Sharon Cowan, CBSE is the former President and CEO of a multimillion dollar regional commercial and residential cleaning company. Sharon grew her company to million dollar levels and over 100 employees using her background in business development, strategic planning, national corporate leadership and education. She has long been an advocate of BSCAI as her go to resource for education when new to the business. She has been a guest speaker and seminar leader for BSCAI and ARCSI and twice won marketing awards from the BSCAI. In addition to one on one coaching internationally, Sharon conducts live workshops throughout the United States teaching cleaning business owners how to maximize profits and grow their businesses.

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    Christine Schad, RBSM, is the Founder and President of Advanced Maintenance Solutions, LLC, which services commercial businesses throughout Northeast Wisconsin. Christine’s background in the JanSan Industry goes back 30 years, when she began working part time cleaning offices at a local insurance company to supplement family income. Christine is an enthusiastic and energetic spokesperson for the BSC industry; she credits an unwavering commitment to service, ongoing education and continuous improvement for her company’s growth and success to date.

    Christine Schad, RBSM, is the Founder and President of Advanced Maintenance Solutions, LLC, which services commercial businesses throughout Northeast Wisconsin. Christine’s background in the JanSan Industry goes back 30 years, when she began working part time cleaning offices at a local insurance company to supplement family income. Christine is an enthusiastic and energetic spokesperson for the BSC industry; she credits an unwavering commitment to service, ongoing education and continuous improvement for her company’s growth and success to date.

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    The success or failure of building service professionals depends in a very great measure on the quality of their people. It is employees who essentially deliver a company’s service and value to its clients. The significance of selecting and hiring good people, effectively training and directing their performance, and in unavoidable circumstances, terminating, cannot be overemphasized.

    Claudia St. John will lead participants through the RBSM Volume 2 manual - Hiring & Firing.

    The success or failure of building service professionals depends in a very great measure on the quality of their people. It is employees who essentially deliver a company’s service and value to its clients. The significance of selecting and hiring good people, effectively training and directing their performance, and in unavoidable circumstances, terminating, cannot be overemphasized.  This volume will:

    1. Identify effective recruiting methods;
    2. List guidelines for preparing job descriptions;
    3. Identify effective methods of screening job applicants;
    4. List criteria for selecting the most qualified job applicants; 
    5. Define the “at-will” employment relationship and explain how it is established;
    6. Help you establish realistic and achievable performance standards and effective performance appraisal systems;
    7. Outline how employee discipline and termination should be handled, and 
    8. Identify measures to prevent claims of discrimination or wrongful discharge throughout the employment process.