COVID-19 Disinfection & Safety Course 10 Session Bundle

BSCAI’s COVID-19 Disinfection & Safety Course was created to protect your employees and reassure your customers.

What is covered in the BSCAI's COVID-19 Disinfection & Safety Course?

This course has been designed to train front-line cleaners and janitorial staff on elements of effective COVID-19 disinfection and worker health and safety.  This program has been created with the leading practices in adult learning to maximize engagement, comprehension, and retention.

The course is comprised of five sections with an open book quiz at the end of each section, allowing the student to move onto the next section.  Once all five sections have been successfully completed, the student will be issued a BSCAI's COVID-19 Disinfection & Safety Course certificate of completion.

The five sections of the BSCAI's COVID-19 Disinfection & Safety Course:

  • Infection Control and COVID-19
  • Protecting Worker Health
  • Defining Cleaning and Disinfecting
  • Proper Cleaning Procedures
  • Documentation and Communication

Click here to see a detailed course outline. Available in English and Spanish!

This course was designed with BSCs in mind and priced so that the entire staff and front-line workers can receive this valuable training without breaking your training budget. Enjoy discounts of up to 30% for purchasing bundles.

Registration TypeMemberNon-member
10 pack bundle (save 10%)$270$675
25 pack bundle (save 20%)$600$1,500
50 pack bundle (save 25%)$1,125$2,812.50
100 pack bundle (save 30%)$2,100$5,250
Enterprise License *$7,500$12,500


Confirm Your Bundle Purchase
0 Question  |  1 attempt  |  0/0 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail
0 Question  |  1 attempt  |  0/0 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail I confirm I have purchased a registration bundle and will manage the assignment of registration to my company's employees.