CBSE Exams Retake
- Non-member - $100
- Member - $100
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If you need to re-attempt one or more of the CBSE Certification Exams, please purchase this product. Our certification team will contact you with more information on your re-test.
It's best to use a desktop or laptop computer when taking these exams (not mobile device), be hard-lined in on your desktop/laptop device (no wifi) and be sure to hit save if you need to exit for any reason. Additionally, if you lose connection your answers will not save so be sure to ‘save & continue’ routinely.

Submit Your Re-Take Request
0 Question | 1 attempt | 0/0 points to pass | Graded as Pass/Fail
0 Question | 1 attempt | 0/0 points to pass | Graded as Pass/Fail
ACTION REQUIRED! Please submit your re-take request to BSCAI by selecting "Take Quiz" and "submit". Once you submit your request, BSCAI Headquarters will contact you within 48 business hours with instructions on how to access your exam re-take.